Kayla Portrait

Hello, I'm Kayla. I'm a full-stack developer with over 5 years of experience specializing on the front-end.

My projects

My skills

My experience


Vancouver, Canada

As part of my undergraduate studies in Statistics, I had a taste of computer science classes. However, it wasn't until 5 years later I pursued a coding bootcamp (Lighthouse Labs) and decided to pursue a career in programming full-time. One of the best decisions I ever made!

2013 - 2018

Front-End Developer

Vancouver, Canada

I started as a Front-End developer, where I got to put the skills I learned (React) into pratical use and build real world applications.

2018 - 2023

Senior Front-End Developer

Vancouver, Canada

I am trusted to make strategic business decisions, lead projects, and introduce newer technologies at NetCents. I mentor at the coding bootcamp where I studied so I am also learning the newest and latest skills while sharing my passion for web development.

2023 - Present